For December 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-five different companies (AFL, PSX, INTC, F, HON, LYB, JNJ, V, AMGN, SNA, EVR, WBA, CVX, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $491.66. This was a 11% increase from December of 2020 where the total was $444.73. The increase was due to new payments from AMGN, CVX, & FAF. A resumption of the dividend from F, SPG paying out in December this year which they did not do last year, and increased payments from the remaining payers. The increase is also despite of no special payment from MSM this year, which accounted for 38% of December 2020’s total payment so we’re really happy to see us beat the year over year.

This December payment put us well over the $7,000.00 mark for the year, with the total dividends in 2021 closing out at $7,241.99.

A full recap of 2021 and comparison year over year will be posted in the coming weeks.

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