In the month of February we made a few purchases in companies we already own. Continuing from last month TROW is still below our buy range so we picked up another 5 shares for a total of $710.85. We also picked up another 25 shares of FL for $735.21. FL took a massive drop on news that Nike will stop selling a number of products through FL stores in a bid to sell more directly to consumers. While this is bad news for FL, as Nike products made up somewhere around 70% of its sales in 2021, Nike isn’t ending its distribution deal with FL completely and FL will look other brands to replace those Nike product sales. We also purchased 3 shares of MO for $153.33; and 2 shares of PRU for $220.02. In total we purchased $1,819.41 worth of stocks this month.


For February 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from seven different companies (T, VZ, BMY, TXN, ABBV, AOS, & OHI). The total was $262.81. This was a 93% increase from February of 2021 where the total was $135.87. The increase was due to increased payments from five companies and new payouts from portfolio adds VZ and BMY. This is likely the last payment from T before they cut their dividend so we’ll see how they affects our totals going forward. However, we’ve added VZ over the last year which has the same payout months so it should help soften any loses.