For August 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from five different companies (T, TXN, AOS, ABBV, & OHI). The total was $72.91 This was a 9% decrease from August 2018 where the total was $80.43. The decrease was due to CIM paying out in July this year instead of August. We didn’t beat August of 2018 total, but we came close thanks to the new payments from AOS, TXN, and ABBV. Let’s see how September plays out as we are anticipating a non-payment from VALE this year, which will be a big hit since it accounted for $366.42 of last September’s $423.81 total.



For July 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from seven different companies (EVC, TROW, AVGO, MO, GNTX, CMCSA & CIM). The total was $159.10. This was a 1,163% increase from July 2018 where the total was $12.60. The increase was due both to new stocks added to the portfolio since last year, as well as repeat payments from EVC and CMCSA. EVC paid out 4.8% more than last year due to DRIPing and CMCSA paid out 12.89% more than last year due to DRIPing and a dividend increase. We should note CIM paid out in August last year so it was not included in the July 2018 total. Let’s see if we can top August of 2018’s total even without CIM since it’s been included in July’s total this year.



For June 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from nine different companies (F, V, SWKS, WBA, TSN, NWL, LYB, PRU, & AEG). The total was $121.60. This was a 48% increase from June 2018 where the total was $81.99. The increase was due both to new stocks added to the portfolio since last year, as well as repeat payments from F, V, and TSN. The 48% increase is great to see since the Portfolio had another dividend suspension this month. GME has suspended its dividend indefinitely as it tries to figure out a path for the future. The Divs4Jesus Portfolio has now lost its two biggest dividend paying stocks; GME and VALE. GME’s looks gone for the foreseeable future, but I hope to see VALE’s resumed before the end of the year if it gets its dam and safety issues under control. The good news is even without these two top payers the portfolio is ahead of where it was last year. Through continued diversification we still hope to top our total dividends from 2018.  Let’s see how the second half the year turns out for the Divs4Jesus portfolio.

Dividend Report :: May 2019


For May 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from six different companies (CIM, MO, T, ABBV, OHI, TXN). The total was $172.77. This was a 2280% increase from May 2018 where the total was $7.26. Most of this was due to the increasing amount of stocks that were added to the portfolio over the year and also that CIM hit in May instead of April this year. Either way, this is awesome to see and I’ll take a 2000% increase any day of the week.  Let’s see how June turns out. As of now the Divs4Jesus portfolio is now ahead of its 2018 totals at this time last year. This is even with the suspension from VALE.

Dividend Report :: April 2019


For April 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from six different companies (EVC, AVGO, GME, TROW, GNTX, CMCSA). The total was $89.31. This was a 79% increase from April 2018 where the total was $50.00. The $50.00 I received in April last year was from solely from CIM which paid out in May this year. As such, the 79% increase doesn’t include any payment for CIM and is due to all new companies in the portfolio. This is awesome to see.  May should be an even better month as it will include that ‘late’ payment from CIM!