For March 2020, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from fifteen different companies (SPG, PSX, F, SWKS, V, LYB, SNA, WBA, PRU, EVR, NWL, TSN, RHI, LEA, TROW). The total was $207.55. This was a 133% increase from March 2019 where the total was $89.11. The difference was increased payments from F, V, LYB, PRU, NWL, TSN, & SWKS, new payments from SPG, PSX, SNA, WBA, EVR, RHI, LEA, & TROW. This is a another great month, but as noted last month we are tempering our expectation in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. We already have confirmation that F has suspended its dividend and we are expecting more companies to do the same.
Portfolio Update
A Recap of Divs4Jesus 2019 Dividend Income
In 2019, Divs4Jesus increased its dividend income by 13% year over year. To see how it all went down click here.
For January 2020, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from five different companies (EVC, AVGO, MO, GNTX, & CMCSA,). The total was $102.76. This was a 398% increase from January 2019 where the total was $20.64. The difference was increased payments from EVC, GNTX, AND CMCSA as well new payments from MO and AVGO paying in January this year instead of in December of 2018 as it did in the past. This is a great start to the year and we hope to continue the momentum going forward.
For December 2019, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from thirteen different companies (F, V, LYB, SNA, PRU, WBA, EVR, RHI, TSN, NWL, SWKS, LEA, TROW). The total was $162.27. This was a 13% increase from December 2018 where the total was $143.79.
With the strong finish in December, we were able to come back from the blow of losing 62% of our 2018 dividend income (GME and VALE suspended there dividends in 2019). The Divs4Jesus portfolio ended 2019 with a total of $1,389.58 vs. $1,229.41 in 2018. This is $160.17 increase over 2018 is a 13.03% increase year over year. A full recap of 2019 will be posted in the coming weeks.