For December 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-seven different companies (AFL, PSX, V, INTC, F, HON, LYB, JNJ, AMGN, SNA, EVR, SMG, WBA, CVX, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, SWK, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $709.55. This was a 44% increase from December of 2021 where the total was $491.66. While we did have two new payors this month (SMG, & SWK) this only accounted for $13.52 of the increase. The majority of the increase is due to added to our existing stocks and dividend increases year over year.

These December payments just squeaked us over last year’s total. The total dividends received in 2022 was $7,420.95 vs  the $7,241.99 we received in 2021. A $178.96 increase or 2% year over year. While this is extremely close year over year we are happy to have beat out 2021 at all since we have some major ‘onetime’ payments from VALE that we knew would not repeat in 2022. For example, in 2021 VALE paid us out a total of $3,642.56 but only $2,175.21 in 2022 – a difference of $1,467.35 we had to overcome and we are happy we were able to.

A full recap of 2022 and comparison year over year will be posted in the coming weeks.


For September 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-seven different companies. (EVC, AVGO, SPG, TROW, AEG, LEA,RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, SWKS, MET, VALE, CVX, EVR, SNA, WBA, AMGN, LYB, JNJ, HON, AFL, PSX, V, INTC. & F). The total was $1,763.13. This was a 286% increase from September of 2021 where the total was $456.68. The major difference year over year was that VALE paid out its massive dividend in September this year instead of October. As such, we will see a big drop year over year in October because of the change in pay dates. Looking towards the later quarter of the year we are now around $1,200.00 from last years total – its going to be very close to see if we can top 2021s numbers.


In the month of June we continued buying more TROW as the price declined further. We also picked up a number of shares in companies we already own. As I noted last month – we are on the lookout for new companies to add but they haven’t hit our buy targets just yet. Here’s what we purchased in June: 10 more shares of TROW for $1,096.20; 3 shares of MO for 136.37; 1 share of SWKS for $92.74; 1 share of VZ for $49.75; 1 share of SPG for $98.20; 1 share of SEIC for $52.76; 2 shares of PRU for $186.10; and 1 share of AEG for $4.39. In total we purchased $1,824.15 worth of stocks this month.


For June 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-seven different companies, might be a record for us. (AFL, PSX, V, INTC, F, HON, JNJ, AMGN, SNA, EVR, WBA, CVX, LYB, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, SEIC, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $688.37. This was a 81% increase from June of 2021 where the total was $379.85. The increase was due to increased payments from twenty-three of the companies.  A new payment from AMGN, a reinstated dividend from F, SPG paying out in June this year instead of July, and a special dividend payment from LYB in addition to their quarterly payment. We’ve now increased our monthly dividend payment year over year for the first 6 months of this year. However, July will likely end that streak as in July of 2021 we received a massive special dividend from VALE that we don’t expect with be issued this year. It will be interesting to see if we’ll still be head year to year after July.


First and foremost we are sorry for the late posts in getting March’s info uploaded, but better late than never. And speaking of better, for March 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-six different companies (AFL, PSX, V INTC, F, AMGN, JNJ, SNA, CVX, EVR, PRU, HON, WBA, MET, RHI, FAF, LYB, NWL, TSN, SWKS, VALE, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $1,648.89. This was a 30% increase from March of 2021 where the total was $1,269.88. The increase was due to increased payments from twenty-three of the companies and new payouts from portfolio adds AMGN, CVX, and FAF. Plus resumed payments from F and SPG paying out in March this year instead of April like in 2021. Over $1,000.00 of this was from VALE who is still paying out large dividends thanks to high commodity prices.


For December 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-five different companies (AFL, PSX, INTC, F, HON, LYB, JNJ, V, AMGN, SNA, EVR, WBA, CVX, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $491.66. This was a 11% increase from December of 2020 where the total was $444.73. The increase was due to new payments from AMGN, CVX, & FAF. A resumption of the dividend from F, SPG paying out in December this year which they did not do last year, and increased payments from the remaining payers. The increase is also despite of no special payment from MSM this year, which accounted for 38% of December 2020’s total payment so we’re really happy to see us beat the year over year.

This December payment put us well over the $7,000.00 mark for the year, with the total dividends in 2021 closing out at $7,241.99.

A full recap of 2021 and comparison year over year will be posted in the coming weeks.


The increase was due to increase payments from PSX, V, HON, SWKS, JNJ, LYB, EVR, SNA, WBA, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU, AEG, TROW, EVC, and AVGO. New payments from INTC, AMGN, CVX, MET, and FAF. Restarted dividends from LEA, though less than they were paying pre-pandemic. And Lastly, SPG paying out in Oct last year instead of September as is typical for them.

As noted throughout our posts this year, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. Overall we’ve crossed our original goal for this year of $4,000.00 in dividend income and are now seeing how much of a beat we can get on the year! We also hit the milestone of crossing $10,000.00 in total dividend income since the start of the portfolio in 2018!


The increase was mostly due to (2) special dividend payments. One from TROW at $3.00/share and the other from VALE at $0.436/share. VALE has been crushing it this year and the CEO even suggested a possible special fourth (VALE typically pays bi-annually) dividend in December. We also saw payments from FL and AEG who this time last year had suspended their payments.

We had one new payment from CSCO, CIM paying out in July instead of August like last year, and increased payments from MO, LECO, GNTX, CMCSA, SPG, and MSM. This was all in spite of regular payments from AVGO, EVC, and TROW hitting in June this year instead of July as in 2020. As noted throughout our posts this year, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout.

However, we know things are going well as we just passed our 2020 total dividends and there’s still FIVE months to go in 2021.


For January 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from ten different companies (SEIC, MO, LECO, GNTX, CSCO, SPG, MSM, CMCSA, FL, and CIM). The total was $274.08. This was a 167% increase from January of 2020 where the total was $102.76. The increase was due to new payments from LECO, SEIC, CSCO. Increased payments from MO, GNTX, and CMCSA. We also had FL, CIM, and MSM pay out in January instead of Feb like last year, which will lower Feb’s payout. And despite payments from AVGO and EVC paying out in December this year instead of Jan like in 2020.

We are excited to start 2021 off with another triple digit increase year over year. However, we except the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month this year as the pandemic through off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. As such the yearly total will be most important to beat.


For July 2020, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from nine different companies (TROW, AVGO, EVC, MO, LECO, GNTX, CMCSA, SPG, & MSM). The total was $202.21. This was a 27% increase from July 2019 where the total was $159.10. The difference was increased payments from TROW, AVGO, MO, GNTX, and CMCSA. New payments from LECO, MSM, and SPG. And in spite of EVC cutting their dividend and CIM not paying dividends this July, but instead in August. Overall, this is a another good month and we cautiously hope to continue the streak month over month as the companies in our portfolio deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The great news is with the increase this month we have now surpassed our entire yearly total from 2019 ($1,389.58) and we still have five more months to go!